Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Living room fan, almost

I putup the fan in the living room today. I'd hoped to surprise Kevin with it done before he came home from work. 

Switching out electrical boxes was the hardest part. It seemed to take ages. I made a colossal mess of the floor while cutting a new hole in the ceiling. The large medallion we got barely covers it. 

Hanging the fan itself wasn't a problem. Assembling the remaining pieces after hanging it (per the fan's instructions) wasn't bad, either.  I dropped screws at every stage, which was annoying, but not a big deal. 

Installation complete, I turned the power back on, then proceeded to the last step: flip the switch and pair the fan with its remote. I flicked the switch. The lights in the kitchen (and all else on the breaker) turned off. I reset the breaker, then tried again. Same result. I did something wrong with the wiring. Fuck. 

I'll have to take the fan apart in reverse order and redo the wiring. Ugh. 

It looks pretty, at least. 

I did finish before Kevin came home. He hadn't believed that I could hang that myself. Not that he doubts me; he just thought it too heavy for me. 

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